Snow Day...Fun Day
Michael switched his wrong side out backyards clothes last night before going to bed because they had already called off school. We has snow. Then a few inches of ice. More snow and even more ice. Let me just tell you that I can hardly type or hold my arms up from all the shoveling of the driveway tonight. Or better yet, today...all day.
At first light, Michael was up and at 'em. He could not wait to get outside. In just a few minutes we saw Luke and Skyler. I think our house has a kid magnet on it somewhere. It is nice that they all show up here...but I do tend to worry about when they get will I afford to feed three growing starving boys?
Speaking of feeding the boys...before going out I was talking to Betsy's on the phone and all of a sudden she lost electric power. I thought...hmmmm...what would be do with no power. So I decide to see if I could start a fire so I could get the tripod and dutch oven ready. Well, let me just tell you I think they should call me "SurvivorWoman". As you can see the boys were having a few marshmallows. It was great fun! We managed to finish off the last bag in the cabinet.
The boys thought it was great fun to burn the dickens out of the marshmallows. Little did they know that they would have to actually eat them. I hate like anything to waste food. Here Luke is cooling his off. He even tried to offer it to me. But oh, now, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. You go ahead and enjoy it Lukester.
It is monkey see, monkey do around here. So Skyler had to try one of his own burnt to a crisp delights. Those two yahoos are three or four cooked like that. They had marshmallow all over their faces. But who cares, it was a great time.
I can't remember which came first the snow angels or the sleigh riding. Seems like we did those two things all day long. Here is Michael making his first angel today...under the pergola.
At one point it was snowing so hard that you couldn't see up the street. These two didn't care at all. I do know that they would take turns, snack at Luke's along with a little play time. Then back outside until someone got cold and then it was into our house for some hot chocolate made by Sarah and lunch. A little DS time and back out. It was starting to get dark so all Mom's called it a day. Here are just a few shots of the ice on the trees.

****This Just In...there is no school again tomorrow...."some of the side streets are inaccessible for snowplows and school buses because of low hanging power lines'"
****This Just In...there is no school again tomorrow...."some of the side streets are inaccessible for snowplows and school buses because of low hanging power lines'"
Cabin fever setting in for me.