RRPC: Not Of This Season

Carly got some great ideas from the last challenge from all the players. This one is really nice...'Post a photo of something you wouldn't see, or which would be very difficult to find during winter.' I knew right where to go...back to last summer. I dream of these flowers. I get up in the morning and look out the windows...nothing but grey and gloom hanging around. But this afternoon the clouds moved over for the sun for just a few hours. Ella and I took a quick walk around the yard looking for some signs of spring. And we found some, hosta starting to pop through the mulch. I don't think it is going to last too long, they are calling for falling temps tonight and tomorrow. And we found lots and lots of mud. So much so I had to put my shoes in the wash.

I am looking forward to seeing what the other Robins come up with. Come visit and see for yourself how creative these people can be.


Terri said…
Great photo! I love echinacea flowers and photographed them a lot last year in all their seasons. They are even spectacular when they're on their way out for the season.
Carly said…

A nice burst of color to chase the blahs away! An instant mood lifter. :)

Carly :)
MyMaracas said…
I love those too! The folks who had this house before us left a big patch of these, and the butterflies loved them. I like the way you've filled the screen with them - lots of color and detail. Pretty!
Anonymous said…
What a great photo!!
Suzanne R said…
Beautiful flower! How nice that you found it blooming in your yard right now. That would be a spirit-lifter in the midst of winter!
Monica said…
Beautiful color! I'm very ready for spring/summer and all the colors.

Gattina said…
Very nice picture ! I hope the season when it blooms comes soon !
Sherrie said…
Beautiful!! My favorite flower in my garden. Except mine are yellow. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!

barrettmanor said…
That's a great picture. Hope the cold doesn't kill the hosta.
Great pic! I love the geometric beauty of the...um, what's it called...the, uh, middle part; and the bug trundling along.

Great snow pictures in your most recent entries, too!

(Sorry this comment is late - but at least it meant I got to see the snow shots!)

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