RRPC: Joy....What Makes My Heart Happy

During our last challenge we were asked by Steven from (sometimes)Photoblog to come up with ideas to be put in the pool for further challenges. Karen, who writes Outpost Marvin combined two topics. One from Kathy of Through The Viewfinder...Joy...whatever brings you joy...others showing joy. The second suggestion was from little old me...What makes your heart happy? I am so thrilled. A good idea...mark it down. I have lots of pictures that make me happy...that make me smile. But this one makes me laugh out loud! It was taken the first summer we moved back to Ohio. It was really hot and the boys had been outside playing all day. They had gotten the hose out and started spraying everything in sight. Their clothes got soaked so they were shed. This is what was left. Every time I see it I just crack up.
We wanted to hang a copy of it somewhere in the house because it was just too priceless. I think we finally found the most perfect spot...our half bath. The most fun part about it is that whenever someone goes in the bathroom, you can bet that you will hear a chuckle just a few minutes later. So, did it make you laugh?

I'm hoping you will visit the other Robins who gave this challenge a shot. Click (here) and magically you will be taken to the place where all Robins gather to share their shots.


Sherrie said…
That photo is absolutely adorable!! And yes it made me laugh! Have a great day!!

TJ said…
Wow...that needs to be a poster!
Great capture!!!
TJ said…
Wow...that needs to be a poster!
Great capture!!!
maryt/theteach said…
Wammy, what a lucky shot! Adorable! :)
Gattina said…
Hahaha ! really cute and funny !
Anonymous said…
Absolutely brilliant...thank you for sharing.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Please not that Holly is a boy. His Mom calls him HOLY but spell his name differently.

Holly is looking for a soul-mate (Lady Poodle)...can anyone help?

All the best to you all from Hong Kong.
Too cute :)

I played too :)
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

One word... ADORABLE! You should have it made into a poster, it is just wonderful!

Hugs, Carly
Mojo said…
Classic. Simply classic. And really, this covers both variations on the theme if you think about it. People showing joy, and something that brings you joy.

One very often spawns the other.
So cute - and what a perfect place to display it! Thanks for the topic idea!
Suzanne R said…
What a cute picture! Perfect for the bathroom -- you can go in there any time you want a smile or a laugh, and so can everyone else who comes into your house.
Yecap said…
Cool photo. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
What an adorable photograph! And yes, you can't help but smile or even laugh when you see the photo. It also makes you yearn for younger innocent days where we could get away with that outselves.

Anonymous said…
that's really a fun shot! :-)

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