Round Robin ...Camera Resolutions

I thought while everyone was napping I would take a very few minutes and post my 'resolution' for this challenge. Here's the best I have at the moment. I wanted to use something different. Something that involved one or all of the grand kids...My camera has been giving me fits but I think I know now what I was doing wrong. We will see. So back to the challenge. We have been instructed to show off a total of three photos..perfect..This shot makes my heart happy. I get a big smile of my face every time I look at it. Cassie was holding Alaire up to the window so she could see Ella and I outside doing 'some business'. My second makes me so proud. Michael is such a great reader. Ellis thinks that it is pretty cool too. I thought I had a video of it but I guess not. Michael has finally warmed up to Ellis. Several times I have overheard conversations where Michael is explaining that he is bigger and he is Eilis's uncle. Too funny. So the theme is 'what makes your heart happy?Just so we are also clear on what this is...Ellis says that it is a 'chickmunk'. We have fed the 'chickmunnk' and birds all week. Alaire can stand so still when she has to. I have decided that she is Cassie's gotta love 'em.

You can go to Round Robin and check out all the other creative people.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Wonderful pictures! I really like the theme as well, I will add it to the challenge pool today and update the RR blog to reflect your partcipation!

Well done.
Carly :)
Oops! I missed this when you posted it! I love the reflection shot especially. Your theme is similar to the one Linda suggested, so I'll be combining the two in the Challenge I announce tonight. I hope that's okay!

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