Published Again...Three Times

Sometimes the Internet amazes me...most of the time actually...To catch you up before I show you pictures....back in the spring I got an email from someone in New Zealand. Christine writes/works for a DIY magazine in Auckland, New Zealand. She had googled (don't you just love it) wind chimes. And low and behold she found our little blog with an blog about the wind chimesthat we were making out of recycled materials...mostly old silverware and kitchen items like potato mashers, colanders, old crank hand mixers. She emailed asked if Michael and I would be interested in becoming the spokes/crafty people for the kids DIY section of their magazine. Well, you know me...why not. So far there have been three articles printed...
Our first project was published in the August/September 2008 magazine. Mind you, we are doing all the work and I am the photographer.
As you can see I have a lot to learn about taking photographs for a magazine. Christine and her editor were so patient. They would email exactly what they needed from us. We would try out best to give them what they asked for. I am sure they thought...'what have we gotten ourselves into?' Our next project was garden lantern. We went thru so many recycled cans it is not funny. But once we got the hang of it we were making garden lanterns for everyone we could think of. If you get just the right amount of holes, they look really nice on a dark night. We did pretty well. Well, at least I thought we did until I opened the magazine and there was Michael in all his yellow glory...with his pajama shirt on...backwards. What was I thinking? No one will notice, will they? We had a little help on this one. Actually it was all Emmy's idea. Tie-dying fun with the boys. Not only did Michael help, but Skyler and Luke helped. We even had enough shirts to make one for Lynley. Since we had two extra adult hands this time, I finally took some decent shots. I love the large, full page shot of Skyler looking out under his bangs. They turned out so well, that the boys decided to wear them on the first day of school.Everybody in this article. Skyler...can't miss him. He is holding Lynley's shirt. Emmy has on her Jewels for Jesus t-shirt (in honor of Sarah Beth when we did the marathon in DC), Luke's leg and Michael sitting patiently for his turn. I don't know if it just me, but I think each article is getting better and better. And the magazines are quite nice...lots of good tips I place to use then spring and summer.I almost forgot the best thing...since Michael is the official 'spokesperson' for the Kids DIY, he now has a special shirt that he must wear whenever he is photographed for the magazine. They are very nice shirts. I am not sure that he is sold on the idea of them just yet. That might take some time. We already know what our next assignment is...but you will just have to wait until around the 11th to hear about it. Another cool thing about having a new freind way across the globe is that each time she send a copy of the magazine to us, she sends a little piece of NZ along also. We are learning so much about a place that we really had never even thought about. Lots of those silly teachable momnets that I love. As Sahra is reading this, I can just see her rolling her eyes and uttering 'why does she always have to be such a teacher?'

FYI: They are also trying to start up a page on the Internet. Check it out.


gina said…
that is exciting!! congratulations! :)
Way Cool! My brother and his family live in Aukland New Zealand. I should tell them about the magazine. My sister-in-law is the one that is the artist - she would love it.
Anonymous said…
That is awesome how they found you guys and how fun to do all that stuff!! Michael should pose in his shirt, maybe someone is looking for a young male model...hehehe
Jan said…
Yes, I love the internet and Google, this is a wonderful story. I'm so glad you jumped in and did this.
Sabrina said…
That is honestly the coolest thing I've ever heard! Tell Michael I said he rocks!

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