Poor Baby

Allyson has caught Alaire's bad cold. When Julie brought her this morning, when she coughed she sounded awful. So at 11:30 Allyson and her Mom were off to the doctor's office. She just called to say that she just has a bad cold. Thank heavens. So Allyson is going home with her Mom this afternoon to rest up all weekend and she will be back on Monday bright and early feeling much better. But before she left, Pappy was able to take this shot of her newest hat. She does love her hats! I just don't know what to do with myself...all afternoon until Sarah calls for a ride or Michael's bus comes.

So, to make the time go quickly...I will post a few pictures of Allyson from the crazy week last week. How about this hat? The child has more hats than I have wind chimes hanging in the tree...and that is a lot. How about those red cheeks? You would almost think that she was part Ellis with those babies. Bryce still has those rosy cheeks. We have been putting this really good 'deodorant' type cream/lotion on them. They hurt me just to look at them. But she doesn't seem to care!

Okay, gotta go, the phone is ringing. I told you so.


alex :) said…
allyson is adorable!!

and i am really considering the helicopter nursing thing. my mom said that i would be good at it.

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