Please, Say It Ain't So...

Friday morning while we were in route to our Christmas with family and friends in West Virginia, Mark got the call saying all Circuit City Stores would be closing. We decided that the weekend and the rest of Cassie's trip would be fun...meaning I was not to worry about something that I have no control over. What is done is done and we need to figure out what to do next. Then get Mark's resume ready. Just another Ellis Family Adventure. We will have to reevaluate what are needs and what are wants. Thanks for all the calls, texts, and emails. Don't feel uncomfortable if you want to call. It is okay. Remember I said we were going to WV...well, I got my 'Get a Grip' nudge while having breakfast with the Napier's and the Black's. You think you have it rough...just look around and realize what other people are living and dealing with on a daily basis...Posted by Picasa


Jan said…
I thought of your family when I read the news.
Anonymous said…
WOW, the dear lord is planning something for you guys, why he does this stuff we will never know. I do know that your faith is strong and this is a time to just trust. We are here for you and give me Mark's resume.
Sabrina said…
God's got a plan. Your attitude is great! Just remember, we love you and are here if you need anything.
Jay said…
I thought of you as well... God will be with you, hard as it may be.
We have been thinking of you and praying for you ever since we heard the news.

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