'John and Kate Plus Eight'


Well, almost...Maybe Mark and Jan Plus Eight. Erika, Saffy and Ernie came over today for Spicy Cheeseburger Soup and hot rolls...our second play date. Mark and Sarah Ann were here today so we had and overflowing kitchen. Soup was delicious, just ask Ellis and Alaire. The rolls were soft and warm...my favorite part of any meal. Just thought you would like a shot of all the little ones. And by the looks of this shot, Ernie might just have to try a little harder in winning over Allyson's affections. Ellis is such a great helper. Time came fro Ernie and Saffy to load up with Erika. Allyson, Ellis and Pappy are all napping and the big girls are out shopping at IKEA of all places. I am sitting in front of the fireplace warming my back while watching the birds scatter the snow looking for birdseed. I think I will go in the kitchen to see if I can find some hidden chocolate surprises.
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Kathy said…
haha i cant believe u got that picture of them all!

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