Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner?

Bet you can't guess who is going to be here for dinner tomorrow night? The crew from CO. The laundry's finished, house cleaned, groceries in, menu made, gifts wrapped and under the tree...everything is ready for the invasion. You may or may not see or hear much from me in the next two weeks. I might just be a little busy having fun with the grand kids...oh, and Cassie and Trevor too. Allyson better watch out, Alaire is ready to be a mommy. Michael is getting things ready for Ellis. Things like the pirate sheets on his bed, match box cars to play with, pirate stuff of course and some good toothpaste. Pappy went to the store and got a few extra goodies to munch on...Ellis requested big white marshmallows, and a with skittles and a Capri Sun to drink. Emmy and Grace have already decided that they will be here on Thursday for lunch. We have a ton of great things planed to do. We might even see some of Cassie's girlfriends from college on Saturday. And they have two little boys each. Bryce and Tini are planning a visit with the dogs on Sunday. I really haven't heard about any plans that Sarah is making except maybe having Trevor and Cassie take her out driving....that is always in the plan. And of course, we will make the Christmas in January in WV trip. Michael already had the bridge chocolate container from Emmy to fill up (another story for another blog). I am sure I will have tons of stories and even more pictures to share later in the month.


Jan said…
You are sure to have your hands full. Aren't you lucky. Have fun, and catch us up, later.

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