Grab your cameras and show me some ROCKS. Big ROCKS, little ROCKS. Little ROCK, Arkansas, STONE soup. A Zen garden with decorative ROCKS, or how about ROCK cliffs? Sure, why not! A Pet ROCK, or ROCK candy. Take the words ROCK or STONE and use your imagination. ROCK music. ROCKING chair. ROCK ON! Stepping STONES. The Rolling STONES... it's all good! Extra Credit: Show me actual ROCK or STONE in an unusual or special place.Okay, I get it rocks!
Carly always seems to come up with the most outrageous topics. I bet her mind never stops. Just so happens that today, yet another Snow Day in winter wonderland, I was downloading pictures to a disc just in case something horrible would lose every picture I have even taken...when I ran across some rock pictures.

I tried to find a rock that would represent each state we have lived in plus a little vacation rock. Just a little sentimental today I guess. This first shot is of Michael eating pea gravel for breakfast in WI. He loved to sit and feel those little gravels. I never found any in his diapers thank heavens. I think he is so sensory that he just thought they were the best feeling things in the world.

I think I would say that this
hosta is between a rock and a hard place. The first summer we worked on our yard we have now in OH, we unearthed I know 5 tons of rocks...every size you can imagine. I just started building flower beds. Then two summers ago one morning while walking around the yard with our morning coffee, Mark and I found these
hosta pushing
thru. I have no idea how they got there. But I am glad the did because when they are in full bloom, they are beautiful.

I am going out on a limb here to say that I have never been to a better nursery than
North Wind Perennials. They even have goats and chickens. We spent hours and probably a few more dollars there then we should have. Michael loved going because they had this pond with a bridge and a rock path. The pond had goldfish and tons of frogs and a snake or two. This is a posed shot. Usually he would be trying to touch the water...trying to give me a heart attack.

Then our one and only grand daughter was born, we made the trip to CO. Cassie and Trevor live about 30 minutes from the mountains. We decided to take a little field trip one day to the mountains so Michael could make a snow angel, in October. We got permission from
Alaire's pediatrician for her to go up into the mountains. We got to go as far as Bear Lake...9,000 feet. It was so beautiful. I wish
I would have known all that I know about my camera now when we were there. The pictures would have been stupendous.

I must confess when I read what out challenge was this time, the first thing I thought of was the title of one of my favorite children's books. I loved reading this to the class. I would give everyone a rock to put in their pockets. Then in my very best WV twang, which isn't hard for me at all, I would read this book. I would usually read in in the spring when the weather was rather windy. The class loved it. When we would go out on the playground they would make sure they had their rocks in their pockets. Too funny! I miss those times!
I know that you will all be
disappointed when I tell you that, believe it or not, I don't have a single picture of a WV rock. But I will share with you one of my favorite saying that I grew up with. And I
must confess, I use it all the time around here...
'He/she's dumber than a box of rocks.'
So now what you have read my long tale of rocks, why not take a
peek at what everyone else came up with? There is a linking list but I haven't figured out how to attach it here yet.
A wonderful set of photos! I am a sentimental person as well, and I save things like rocks as well. In fact, when Elvis was alive he had a kitty friend named Ernst. Everyday about the same time Ernst would come by and play with my boy, then they would settle in for a nap. Ernst had a favorite rock in the back yard he would rest his head on, like it was a pillow. I was just looking at that rock the other day, Ernst's rock. :) Great entry!
-Carly :)