EMPS #18...Watching The Clock

Another year has begun and that means more photo challenges. Bring them on...I'm feeling creative!

Carly has given us instructions...take a picture of a clock, any clock as long as it tells time. And for extra credit we need to take a picture of a clock with our favorite time of day. So I began thinking about all the different clocks that we have in our house. I would have to say that this clock is my favorite. It is the coolest thing on earth. I know, I do tend to get excited about the simplest things. Anyway, When I went to Charlottesville when Ellis was born, I fell in love with this clock...so mcuh so Trevor and Cassie got me one for Christmas that year) Not only does it tell time but you can listen to the ocean waves pounding the surf. I always pretend that I am sitting at the edge of the water reading and good book and soaking up the sun. Warms these old bones. Then there are the Rain forest sounds. I can see me in a safari hat with a machete hacking my way through the jungle to see the giant Silver back Gorillas. And who can resist falling asleep to the sounds of rain on the roof. I am in a log cabin in the mountains, on a rope bed under and antique quilt listening to the rain hit the tin roof. The summer night is what I listen to in the winter. It takes me away to days in the yard working myself until I can hardly move and then spending hours by the campfire. Then those darn cicadas enter into the picture and spoil the whole thing. Glad they won't be back for another seven years. I can see in my minds eye my Nanny and I sitting on my parents front porch under covers listening to the thunder and watching the lightening. One night I had it on and forgot...got up and looked out the window to see if there was going to be a storm. How silly did I feel? Pretty silly...glad everyone else was asleep. But I think the best sound of all is the waterfall. I am on the lanai at the Grand Wailea on Maui under the warmest, softest towel, getting a massage and drinking that refreshing water they serve while being lulled to sleep by the beautiful cascading waterfall. It feels so good I finally fall asleep not wanting it to end. And one other unique feature...see that little telescope thingie...it projects the time onto the ceiling. How cool is that...you don't even have to raise your head to see what time your teenagers comes in ...checking the curfew.. I love my little clock. I am betting that you all are going out to try to find one this afternoon. Here is a little help...Homedics. So for extra credit... favorite time of day...when I open my eyes to see that I have lived another day and I can hear Mark in the shower getting ready for work. I hear Sarah's alarm going off...but she sure isn't getting out of bed anytime soon. And then I look and Michael is sound asleep under his quilt with no coughing or wheezing...but Ella needs to go outside and it is 15 degrees. A girl just can't catch a break.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Neat clock! I like the green as opposed to the orange ones I have in my home. My next clock will be green! I also adore the elves on your sidebar! I have those elves as well. My MIL bought a set for her family and a few extra for whoever they married, so when I was welcomed into the family I got my very own elf! :) It's just not Christmas without them!
Have a wonderful 2009 darlin, I can't wait to see your photos in the New Year!

Always, Carly
Suzanne R said…
I would love a clock with the versatility of yours. I will have to check it out at the link you gave. So very cool! And I like the places it takes you to in your mind's eye, even if they can be all too real. ;-)

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