EMPS # 21...Youngins'

Carly's simple instructions...'Grab your cameras and show me some YOUNGINS'. Kittens, puppies, baby birds, baby carrots, baby elephants, seedlings, a new moon, human babies and children, anything or anyone that is currently in it's YOUTH will do.' I love this one...I knew exactly which shot I was going to use. It isn't the most clear picture that I have ever taken or even shared on the blog...but it is the one that best suits this challenge.
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One would think after two wonderful weeks with our grand kids we would have tons and tons of pictures of them together...NOT. I have tons and tons of the separate doing all kinds of fun things. This is actually the single shot of them I have of them happy together.
Carly will have a linking list posted later. Be sure to check them out.


Jan said…
This is a darling photo.
The Oakes said…
I don't even have a picture of them hugging and they do it more than you would think!
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

What a wonderful photo. They look very loving and devoted to each other. Absolutely perfect m'dear! Thanks so much for taking on the photo assignment this week!

Hugs, Carly
Suzanne R said…
An adorable picture, and your grandchildren are simply beautiful.
Mike said…
It's hard to get pictures of them together when they are that little. That is a good one, though!
Aw, how cute! I love the way the light hits them in this shot. The older one reminds me of Christopher Robin!

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