Thank You!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Yesterday a prayer time was organized at my parents to pray for the circumstance we now find ourselves in. As I've mentioned before, the tumors have grown and we are headed back up to NYC to Sloan Kettering for another opinion. The time spent in prayer yesterday was absolutely precious and I know the Lord heard every single word. I was so overwhelmed and humbled by those who came out to show their support for me and my family. The church is an amazing thing and God intended it for it to be just that. My hope is that as Christians we will be better able to show what the church really is. It's not a building to come to. It's soooooooo much more than that. It's about the greatest commandment and the one that follows. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving others as ourselves. True love (through Jesus) that runs deep into the soul can and will get us through any circumstance. Merry Christmas everyone!:)



gina said…
God is good! and He does hear our prayers today. hang onto your faith my friend. i'll be praying for you too.

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