Special Message to Michael

Since missing a week of school, Michael has decided that if he doesn't like what his teacher has for him to do...he just refuses to do it...wads his paper up and pouts. In turn he misses recess. Then a post it note comes home explaining the crumpled paper and then he has to deal with the wrath of Mom. It seems crystal clear to me that the best way to deal with this behavior is a little kick in the pants with a little help from Santa and Boomerang.

Latest Michaelism: Michael usually comes in our room in the morning to say good morning. This morning I was awakened with...'Good morning, my love'. 'Good morning, Michael'. 'Mom, you have chicken breath'.


Jan said…
Chicken breath. Ha! I've heard worse explanations!
Anonymous said…
hahaha my love well is that what we all are supposed to call you now? Does dad still have to call you sweetie pie?
Kathy said…
that boomerang is cute. but that quote is hilarious! Gotta love it.

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