Round Robin Photo Challenge...Hometown Holiday Decorations

Make sure that you check out all the Robins and their Christmas decorations...from CA to Singapore to Belgium. Everyone loves lights! So do I, but I wanted to share something really unique. I was coming up empty handed and then Bryce called to remind me of the Reindog Parade. Here in the big city, for the last 13 years, I learned today, Mt. Adams has put on the Reindog Parade. Legend has it that the Reindog Parade began on a freezing-cold winter day. A few dog-loving neighbors decided that, although it was chilly and snowing, they wanted to take their dogs for a walk. So, about seven neighbors hooked up their leashes and marched through the Mt. Adams town square. Some of the businesses took notice and decided they wanted to sponsor an event where dog owners could get together for some fun. Since then, the parade has become a Cincinnati tradition that draws more than 600 dogs and 2,000 spectators each year. After the parade, there are costume awards given in the categories of puppies, owner/dog look-alikes, group and best of show. Tini, Tobi, (pictured in her pink fur lined parka) and Bryce met Michael and me and we all froze together. But we did have some of the best hot chocolate in town. I was amazed at all the different breeds of dogs and how many people dressed up. And how well behaved all those dogs were. Ella would have been a barking nut! From our perch I wasn't able to get many good shots. I am planning on going next year with my Dad...I think he would think it was a hoot for sure.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy! :)

What cute, festive pups! And a really nice surprise take on the subject. :) Thanks for playing.

Always, Carly
Hi Wammy, What a great idea! That would be something I would enjoy seeing also! Thanks for sharing something new and different..well to me anyway! :)
Anonymous said…
Great fun photos!!! Love those striped socks! :-)
Anonymous said…
Who is Tina? does Bryce have a new girlfriend what happened to TINI
Sherrie said…
That's an awesome idea!! That first dog looks like he is really decked out and love those striped socks! Thanks for sharing.

Suzanne R said…
I love that idea, although I'm not much for getting out in the snow. The dogs are so cute -- especially the striped socks! Great pics!
Jan said…
Jan, these are too cute. Last year my daughter posted dogs wrapped in Christmas lights, during December. It was great, too.
Oh, this is wonderful! I especially love the dog with three striped socks! If I lived there I would have to reconsider my aversion to putting clothes on my dogs, at least for one day a year.
MariesImages said… the one with that hat!
Very cute shots~

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