Rockettes Tickets
Bryce called me late last week and asked if we would like to go see the Rockettes Christmas Show. SURE! I was so excited...more excited then the crew. So I thought it would be fun to take a few of my friends. Then I thought again. Bryce was so excited about the tickets and to be able to give them to us tat I made an executive decision..Mihcael, Sarah and one of her friends were if ands, or buts about it. We were going and we were going to have fun! Our tickets were on the ground floor. back right corner. We put Michael on the isle so he could move around and not bug anyone. The usher would tell Michael wehre to look for Santa or anything that was going to happen in the audience. When the show first started he was amazed at the colors and decorations...'Mom, that made good use of color on the decorations'...what kid says that? I am sure that his Art teacher would be thrilled. The show was great. The Rockettes are amazing. I was surprised to see a live Nativity and the Christms story being told. It was fantastic. Michael lasted until about the lst 15 minutes. Thanks Bryce and thanks Kathy! We all did have fun!