I Won! I Won! I Won!

I have been following a blog that Jan at told me about. You see, she is very lucky. I really thing she should play the lottery. I wish I could remember all the things that she has won over the last two or three months. So I have been giving it a try. This blog, A Giveaway A Day has some really cool stuff. Very unique things. Things that make you think why couldn't I have come up with something that simple yet so cute and something that I would love to receive. So last week Pledge Dusters were features. Not clear on why but I thought what the heck. So I left my comment...and I WON!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Pledge Duster WINNERS!

The Winner(S) of the Pledge Duster Starter Kits are...

Wammy said...
I gotta have this one. Our seven year old has really bad dust and mold allergies and we are all the time dusting. Last night when he got out of the tub he sneezed and had green snot hanging to his belly button. He turned and looked at me and politely told me that I needed to dust. HA!

I don't care. I WON!


Jan said…
Yeah!! Go, girl, go.

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