Round Robin Photo Challenge...Food Glorious Food

Grab your knife, folk and spoon, and your camera of course, and show us "Food Glorious Food!" Are you a breakfast gourmet? Is lunch at your house a feast to behold? Do you serve not just food, but high cuisine for dinner? Show it off! Maybe you love going on picnics in October, or have some fabulous pumpkin recipes you enjoy cooking, or maybe you are a wonder with leftovers, well, we want to see it! Thanksgiving is coming up in just about a month or so, and I am already thinking about what to serve, and getting really hungry, so lets see what it is we are all drooling over right now! And by the way, if you have a favorite restaurant food that you would just love to show off, that's OK too!

I know that the rules state that you aren't supposed to copy the challenge but this week I just had to do it. I am guessing that Carly came up with the topic this week. She is so are all the other Robins. Now to explain why I copied the rules...This week has been a really crazy one so far...crazy in a good way! We added 'a new member to the family'...well just while her parents are at work.
Please to introduce Allyson Grace. She turns 3 months on Nov 1. Today is her official second day here. We all are getting used to the idea of new surroundings, new responsibilities, new schedules and a new routine. So far so good. Although we had a little bump in the road yesterday morning...Allyson's Mom and I were both in tears. I have to say that this morning was better. Allyson is a trooper. She puts up with me kissing and singing to her (My kids ask me to stop singing when I do sing in front of them) and kissing on her all the time. She doesn't even mind the morning kisses from Ella. So you are probably asking yourself what all of this has to do with this challenge...Carly's challenge this week is about food. Well, this is the only kind of food that I am concerned with this week...So far so good. Warming is a cinch since Julie shared the newest secrets of being a Mom in 2008. They don't do things old school now. But one thing never changes...babies are simply the best thing since sliced bread. Gotta run, time for another diaper change, tummy time and kisses. Don't you wish you were here to have some fun too?


Nancy said…
Yup, it's food alright! lol

Cute entry.

Teena in Toronto said…
Yummy to Allyson!

I played too :)
Far Side of Fifty said…
Hey Wammy! A baby ..they smell sooo good! Great entry! I will send out a card to your Mom in Law..I hope she is doing better!
Prayers winging your way! :)
Anonymous said…
Ahh, Enjoy warming that formula for the sweet thing...
Martha said…
Awww, great entry - have fun! :-)
Carly said…
Way To Go Wammy!

EXCELLENT! I am always hoping the Robins will take a new and exciting slant on the challenge before them, and this week, you rose to the occassion with delicious perfection! Baby food! Babies have to eat too, and you showed us the new life in your house, keeping you busy. WELL DONE!!! Thanks so much for playing, and introducing us to the newest member of your family.

Always, Carly
Gattina said…
Special food indeed, lol !
Karen Funk Blocher said…
What a creative approach to this! Yup, babies need their food, too. All the best to Allyson and family!

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