EMPS #10...Windows

Windows...We look out of windows hoping to see something interesting. We look into windows hoping to see something interesting, although we have to be careful how interesting that something might be! LOL. We decorate windows inside and out with lights, and drapes, and shutters, and mannequins and flower boxes and political signs. We call the eyes "the windows of our soul." Some of us use the Windows operating system on our computers. Windows almost always need washing. Sometimes we get food from a drive-thru window. We roll down the windows in our cars to let the wind blow through our hair. Sometimes, it is a good thing to have a, "window of opportunity" to act on. We all have windows in our lives, so, for this week's photo shoot assignment, let's photograph them. :)
I don't know where she comes up with this stuff...I'd like to get inside her head and see what else is cooking in there. Carly wants windows...then windows it is. I was going to go to the 'Big City' and take some shots of the cool architectural windows but then my little buddy got sick and that was a definite no go. Then I wanted to take some different shots of windows around here....not too much in the offering. But here goes.
This is the smallest of our kitchen windows. That crow has flown from WI here to Cincinnati with us...long trip for him. He enjoys looking out onto the patio and right now all the bird feeders. We made the window stars last winter thanks to the expertise of Moey, a 'close-by' blogging friend. I have made a ton of them. Then I laminated them so we can have them for years and years. I love to look at them when the sun is shinning in the morning. This is the big window in the kitchen. We were able to add plantation shutters to this when we moved in. I love this window because right on the other side is the watering can fountain that Mark and I built this summer. We even added a small perennial garden. The birds love both. And oh, look, more window stars. Told you I loved them. I consider this my artsy shot. If you look close enough you can see the reflection of the plantation shutters in the glass. The actual shot is of an old window that I use on the wall as a picture. But these are my all time favorite windows. Papaw sent them to me via Mark and the truck least trip to WV to see Mamaw. Mark and I going to build cold frames out of them for the garden next spring. We will have lettuce early next year. Wish I could find some old beat up boards or even some old barn wood to make them out of. Sounds like I need to spend a day garbage pickin this weekend. Unless anyone has a better idea.
Oh look there is a small hot house made out of old windows on the right of the blog. That worked out pretty well for right now.


gina said…
i especially like the 2nd one...light and dark...night and day...good and evil...lol guess i'll stop there.
Martha said…
I live that first one! :-)
My favorite is the third shot - kind of wonky and surreal!
Hi Wammy, I love the last one, the promise a little place to grow some lettuce in the spring! :)

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