BOO Bags

It is a tradition...which I think might have started way back when our kids were little, or was it when Sarah and Michael were little in WI?...I can't remember...but I am sure that one of the kids will end up telling me when it was. All I know is that it is fun and we look forward to it every year. The idea is to get together a Boo Bag and be the first to start the process in your neighborhood.

the official letter

the official BOO

The idea is so fun and so simple. Fill a bag with Halloween related things.
Make sure to put in a letter and a BOO in each bag. Then after dark, sneek very quietly to a neighbors house and drop the bag off...ring the doorbell...and runnnnn! It is fun to watch how many BOO'S show up on the doors in the neighborhood. I usually do two extra at the front of the subdivision to give them a head start.

We are extending our Christmas tradioton of reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson to reading her latest book...If you have never heard about all the Herdman's you haven't lived. There is a whole bunch of them and you can't imagine what all they can do. We laugh until we cry! Seriously as FUN book. We are already on chapter three, which Michael started reading to us...And Cassie don't feel left out...a copy is on it's way to you!

If you would like to get Booing in your neighborhood, email me
Itsahoot24(at)aol(dot)com and I will send you a copy of the BOO and the letter. But hurry Halloween is right around the corner.


Katie R said…
This is soooo fun! :) and we LOVE the HERDMAN'S, My sisters and I read it out loud on Christmas eve. I am looking forward to the halloween one.
Anonymous said…
oh first off... It was started in WI with Sarah and Michael. 2nd I can not believe that you started the book with out me. It looks like Cassie got booted from her position as reader! and 3rd that is not your email!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I told youall that one of the kids...Ms Anonymous...would let me know.

So when are you coming over? Michael can't wait to hear what happens next.

And I fixed the email...thanks
Miss Yvonne said…
Hey there, Booing is definately a Wisconsin tradition. I started one here the otehr night. Several others started as well and the boos are goin garound quite quickly. We Booed the new neighbors in Leila's house! Talk to you soon! Oh yea, we didn;t boo you the second year you were here becasue Michelle's parents didn't like Halloween.
Valerie said…
Thore are really cute!

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