Round Robin Photo Challenge...The End of Summer

It is time or another Round Robin Photo Challenge. Seems like it has been forever since I was posting the last shots for the challenge. Today Janet who can be found at Fond of Snape, would like for us to take pictures of the End of Summer. She gave lots of suggestions and I thought of a few of my own...Michael's asthma and allergies get worse, Sarah is excited about school, Mark starts to gear up for Christmas, the weather starts getting cooler, we have more campfires, I wear heavy socks, the school bus drivers take practice runs, shorts get packed away, I start drinking hot tea instead of iced tea, football practice starts, you can leave the windows open and feel a cool breeze...

I have been able to share some pretty incredible pictures of flowers from our yard this summer. I took a walk around tonight to remember all the vivid colors and wonderful smells and these are what I found...I guess summer is really over.

butterfly bush

purple cone flower

morning glory seed pods

black-eyed Susans

Be sure to stop by the other Robins to see what they have come up with.

Linking List

Outpost Mâvarin


The Happy Wonderer


Far Side of Fifty

Life of a College Student

Keyhole Pictures

Nancy Luvs Pics


The Eclectic Granny


Soulfully Blonde


Strong Chemistry

Work of the Poet

South Bay Soliloquy

Robin's Woods

It's all about me!

Ripple Effects

Just A Hippie Gypsy


I hate to see the end of summer :( It's 9C right now! Brrr!

I played too.
maryt/theteach said…
Oh dear, Wammy, sorry they are all finished blooming...guess that's nature. Until next year... :)
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

So sad when the flowers finish the season. :( But is certainly the most striking part isn't it. The leaves take over all the glory now. :)It's never stops amazing me. Good job!

Anonymous said…
Yep those photos do say that summer is over! You asked about how to do the collages on my blog. They are all done with a picasa program that came with my computer. Their latest test version #3 is a lot of fun and has more options for shapes and lettering etc...
They all look like they need a long nap..but it looks like they have bloomed their hearts out for ya!:)
Nicely done! It's funny how even faded flowers like these can make for great pictures. I especially like the black-eyed Susan.
alphawoman said…
I really like this...which remeinds me, I should go take a pic of my throughly over grown veggie patch that still attracts the little whiate butterflies and bees.
Kiva said…
I guess it really is the end of summer. Thanks for sharing your pictures so I can see that there really is an end to summer.
ChrisseasCorner said…
I enjoyed your entry... especially your story, which accompanied the photos. The photo's were great too though, dont get me wrong ~ but your a good writer!

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