In A Cabin By The Woods...

Who remembers that song from their childhood?

'In a cabin by the woods,
little man by the window stood,
saw a rabbit hopping by,
knocking at my door.
help me, help me sir he said
for those hunters shoot me dead.
Come little rabbit live with me,
happy we will be'.

We got to experience that again. This time we got to take Michael and Peep with us. And what a treat it was.The leaves were was peek season ...couldn't have planned it better. It was cool in the day and crisp at night. Absolutely perfect! I think I want to move there forever!Even before we went tot he cabin we decided to go to Lehmann'sin Kidron. I could walk this place for hours. Seeing everything you can think of that they Amish or anyone else might need. Since our big power outage of 2008, I have been looking at getting a dutch oven and a tri pod to put it on.So for my birthday, Peep let me pick them out to make sure I got just the right one. And to go along with it a Camp Site Cookbook. So this weekend we are dining out in the backyard on some good old campfire stew and whatever else I can come up with. I can't wait. Do you want to join us. RSVPWhen you first walk in the door there is a carriage. Michael insisted that Peep gt in with him for a picture. This is one of my favorite pictures of the weekend. Michael doesn't do this very have to be very, very special. Big buddies all weekend. Saturday morning we got up bright and early and hit the Amish Swap Meet in Mt. Hope. I have never seen so many different kinds of birds, dogs, chickens, geese, ducks, dogs, rabbits, and even some cats. Here are just a few....

'Dalmatian' bunnies

skunk close-up



birds of all kinds

golden pheasant


pot belly pigs

geese of all kinds



I think I might give you a break from reading and looking at all the pictures because I have a million more. I want to to love it as much as I do. So I will close this blog and begin another tomorrow.


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