EMPS #6...Fences And What's Behind Them

Carly, the creative one, wants us to find fences...'The idea here is for you to find a fence, hopefully a photogenic one, and share with your photography not just the fence, but what's behind the fence as well.' Well, I'm taking a little bit of creative something here and I am showing what's on the fence instead.I used the fence today to air out all the quilts. I'm mending them before winter comes and you get get them away from the users.(We tend to keep it a nice crisp 68 degrees in the winter. Our children think that is way to cold) Back to the fence...this is actually our neighbors fence. It is between our two yards. I love it, the way the scallops look and the little pretty do-dad at the top of each post. Someday, way down the road in the 6 year plan for the yard, we hope to add this type of fence around the rest of the yard. But for now we will just have to dream of how it might look. Mark said that he wished we could hang every quilt I have ever made on the fence...but then we would have to have the rest of the fence in place. I would rather make the quilts and give them away as to keep them. I think we have a pretty healthy collection of quilts for 4 people. And each one of them has a story too, but we will save that for another day.

I can't wait to see the other fences that everyone posts. Why don't you come along and check the out with me? All you need to do it go back to the top of the blog and click on Carly's name. And that will take you right to the place you need to be.


emmapeelDallas said…
Beautiful! And what a great blog, too! I'll be back.

Carly said…
Hi Wammy

This is perfect. It's just what I had in mind. The quilts look great draped along the fence and the fence itself is pretty nifty too. Good job!

Carly :)
Martha said…
This is a beautiful fence photo!! How perfect for the photo shoot!
ChrisseasCorner said…
I was headed to your Robin entry but had to stop and comment.... Beautiful quilts. Did you make them? My sister makes quilts.... you can see them on my old blog: http://chrisseas-corner.tripod.com.

But I'm at a new home - as of this weekend, so you must come visit my new spot too. Onward to the Round Robin and prob. another comment in the midst!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Criseascorner...I did make ll thoe quilts and there are more but I gave them all away. I tried to g op to your blog but no luck. I'll try later.
Jama said…
I see some beautiful quilt there.
Very Nice fence, and lovely quilts!:)
Tammy Brierly said…
I really admire the skill, talent and time put into quilts. A beautiful showcase for your talent.
MyMaracas said…
Wow, what great quilts! I've always loved them, but my few efforts at quilting have been unsuccessful, to put it charitably. Great fence, too. Nice entry!
Kiva said…
What a great fence picture. You're right about giving your quilts away. My m-i-l made quilts and I think of her every time I see one at my daughters' or her friends' homes.

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