Allyson's Personality
I am having the time of my life...a baby in the house once again! Nothing, I swear, nothing any better...except our own kids, son-in-law and grand kids. We are getting a workable schedule down...just a little more tweaking with Sarah and getting her to work. All in time.
Today I wanted to share the different personalities of Allyson. I try to send pictures to her Mom at school during the day so she doesn't miss out on anything. These are the shots from today.
I'd have to say that this is total contentment! She loves to eat. I love feeding her...any excuse to hold her again.
She is such a serious child. I think at this point she was trying to tell me to put away the camera...'please, Wammy, not the camera, again'.
I think she must have known what was coming next. 'I'll get you Wammy for always having that camera in my face. I'll just show you a thing or two.'
I told you not to mess with me today with that silly camera'. Guess what I just did for you? She might be a delicate flower.. but I know for a fact that she could hold her own with a room full of boys if she had to. OH MY!
Once again we had to dig into the diaper bag for a change of clothes. We were able to escape a great big blow out. What a sweetheart. She is fast asleep now...that's how I get to blog. I might have to learn to type with only one hand. Or maybe I can teach her how to type with he opposite hand and then we can do this together. Who knows what the afternoon will bring...more smiles for sure, diaper changes, another bottle or two, a walk to the bus stop....always something.
Today I wanted to share the different personalities of Allyson. I try to send pictures to her Mom at school during the day so she doesn't miss out on anything. These are the shots from today.