Thursday...The Most Fun Day

Renee had the day off so we decided to be "Yard Fairies". After walking the boys to the bus we went home and got all the equipment that we needed. There was no one there to take our picture so we did one of those timed photos...that is why it is so crooked. Anyway, there is a lady down the street that is trying to sell her house. You hardly ever see her. Sometimes her dog gets out and the neighbors let him back in. She had an Open House the day before the big storm, thank heavens. Her yard has been a mess with limbs down and lots of leaves and twigs ever since. We just felt like it was the neighborly thing to a girl out. We ended up not being able to finish one section of her yard. Seems that while I was using the leaf blower, Renee was raking and raked over a bee hive. I missed the bee dance but she finally was able to get my attention. She had been stung on the pictures were taken of the sting because of the sensitive placement of the sting itself. We had to make a quick trip back to the house for some Benadryl spray and an ice pack. Wish I hadn't missed the dance because I am sure it was a good one. Since I am allergic to bees and Renee said there was no way she was going anywhere near that part of the yard, we decided to finish all but that one small area. We ended up dragging two tarps filled with leaves and twigs, three trash cans of broken sticks, two "Halloween trees" for Renee and one large branch that hopefully the city will pick up, that now resides at the end of our yard beside the mailbox.
Renee took pity on me/was embarrassed of my jar of change (my new wallet) so she took me to lunch at Panera. We had a great I had had in awhile. (Notice the name at the top of the receipt?) We both were so tired and we looked even better. We didn't care. Renee filled everyone in..."we are victims of the power outage." While we were having lunch we decided that it would be fun to have a few signs in the front yard pertaining to the storm and it's aftermath. Add some levity to the whole thing. Little did I know what she was getting me into. This one is my personal favorite and this was facing my side of the yard. We made a compromise...she would put the no shower to my side if I did the printing. The other side was facing her yard...Duke is the power company in charge of getting our power back on. Then we had one last sign that we thought would be a smile to our neighbors faces. They have not dealt with this inconvenience very happily let's just say. I think Lynn got a little chuckle out of it. I haven't heard from Ronda all day. I think from what I saw Thursday morning...I'll give her a few days to enjoy the rebirth of humanization with electricity before I give her a call. Thursday night we literally had dinner on the grill. LaRosa's Pizza with all the trimmings never tasted so good. Luke and Renee joined us under the pergola. While I was with Michael in Victor's driveway waiting for him to finish his breathing treatment...Mark and Renee lit the candles. The yard never looked so pictures. Another night in darkness followed.

Next wrapping it all up...finally


The Oakes said…
oh, what I would do to have a Miss Renee for a neighbor!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
That is not very respectful Cassie...I know you were taught better than that! Ms. Renee is tons of fun and the best neighbor...who else besides Ms Yvonne would do yard work with me all morning long? And she doesn't even like doing yard work...Ms. Renee I mean.
The Oakes said…
what in the world pretty sure you are kidding... right!
b/c I'm not, I really would like a miss renee or a miss yvonne, my neighbors just steal stuff off of my porch. your neighbors feed your kids, take them to school, buy them stuff and even send and save stuff for your grandkids.
Jan said…
Another great post. Sounds as if you and Renee spend your time making lemonade out to life's lemons. Great job. Sorry about the bees, though.

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