Round Robin Photo Challenge...Blog Spot

It is that time again! This ones is one that makes you hit your head and say..."that's a good one. Duh, why didn't I think of that one." Martha at Perceptions wants to know where we blog. She was even going to let us clean it up before we took a kind...and I forgot to do that. So you get to see where I blog and how messy I can be. This is where I usually blog. And it is usually late at night when I can't sleep or during the day when I am here all by myself. I love this desk. We are amazed by the workmanship of the Amish. We have never had a nice desk so we decided now was the time. When we moved back to Ohio we immediately went to the Amish community and looked for furniture. I had no idea we were even getting a desk. Mark surprised me one day by saying 'sometime today a few Amish men will be making a delivery.' I love it. Mark has his side and I have mine. By the looks of the pictures, I think I might be taking up all the room. Oops! I am lucky enough to have a second place to blog. In the kitchen where all the action takes place. When the computer upstairs is being used, I come downstairs and go to my second Amish desk....the high chair used by foster children, adopted children, grandchildren and any other children that fit. I use the seat as my desk. Pretty handy if you think about it. And the great thing about having a laptop...I can go outside under the pergola, on the front porch in a rocker...just about anywhere in the yard. I love it!

I am curious to see where everyone else blogs. Check out the other Robins with me. Here is the Linking List...




Outpost Mavarin

Keyhole Pictures

T.J.'s Photo Blog

Pictures of Craziness
AndMe and by phone

Jama Hameed
Sweet Memories

The Eclectic Granny

Maryt /theteach
Work of the Poet

It's all about me!


TJ said…
The best of both worlds.
Gattina said…
you call it a mess on your desk ?? then I wonder how it would look when it is cleaned up, lol ! Nice place and the laptop is a good invention we can find our Blogspots everywhere !
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

WOW! The wood on the two desks is amazing! You're right, the Amish do some lovely artistry with their woodworking and their quilting as well. It has been a lifelong dream for me two own an Amish quilt. Anyway, I love how your desk is shaped, I would like more room on the top of my desk like you have. It's nice to be able to see where are friend Wammy does her putin'. LOL. Thank you for playing!

Always, Carly
That really is a beautiful, beautiful desk. And not messy at all!
Kiva said…
My MIL would call you scrubby dutch for thinking that you have a messy desk LOL! I love Amish anything. They put such love in all that they do.
Kathy said…
i wish i blogged somewhere that pretty. my place is a messy dump with hairless cat butts in view as well. and sadly looking to my left as i type this is a can of manwich with dust on top and to the right is the smoke detector needing new batteries...its really sad.

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