EMPS #5: Fruit Still Life

I am getting more photo challenges that are really challenging for me. I am trying so hard to look at things through new eyes....you know that artsy eye. I was searching all over the house for fruit. Just so happens that we just went to the orchard last weekend. So apples it is.This is a beautiful Honey Crip apple. I placed it in several places for a different background and different lighting. I must have taken 25 shots. This is the one that I likes the best. I didn't polish the apples...what you see is what you get. That has always been my philosophy.
And this is what you get when you have a house full of kids...be they 6 or 29. This time of year I can imagine that we will be eating out weight in these caramel apples. Michael insists that they are a good and healthy snack...'they are filled with apple'. Don't you just want to go to the store and gather up all the ingredients?

Check out the rest of the still life shots by going to Carly's Blog


Carly said…
Hi Wammy

WOW! The lighting on the first apple just made me gasp. It is so soft and so lovely, you captured it very, very well. It's very pleasing to the eye. The second apple just made me hungry. I LOVE dipping apples in caramel, and I don't get to have that treat very often anymore, but when I see one the way you have this one displayed I just have to smile. My inner kid is smiling at the memory. :) Good JOB!

Always, Carly
Jan said…
I'm with Michael, fruit is fruit. I also think pumpkin pie or carrot cake can be a great breakfast.

I love both of these photos, you've done a really great job.
i like them both also..but that Caramel Apple made my mouth water!:)
Oh, very nice! I like the subtle colors on the naked apple, and the fun of sprinkles everywhere on the second shot. Well done!
Kiva said…
How neat to have an orchard nearby and get such lovely apples. If that was the best of your 25, I'd love to see more of the "losers" It's been a while since we did caramel apples for Halloween. I think I'll just go and get the ingredients and whip up a batch for the neighborhood kids. Thanks for the suggestion.
Martha said…
Oh thanks a lot - now I'm craving a caramel apple, I'll have mine with nuts please :-)
Tammy Brierly said…
Hi Wammy! Nice to meet you. Wonderful family picture on your header. The lighting and background were lovely on number 1. Yummy on number 2.

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