EMPS #4: Welcome Autumn

Carly wants to see what autumn looks like in other parts of the country. This year around here we have nothing but very dry crackle leaves. We haven't seen rain in I don't know how long. I really don't think we are going to have a peak season for the color changes. I think we will go from green to brown to nothing. I hope I am wrong. I love the WV hills and mountains in the fall. It is my almost favorite season.
You can see that the leaves are just starting to change color. I love the way they sounds when the breeze blows through them. And the smell of burning leaves...I love it but it makes Michael cough so we have to be careful about that....making sure the wind is blowing away from the house..

I love old barns. I always have an itch to explore the inside. Who knows what treasures you will find.

You can click on Carly's link above to see what Autumn looks like all over the US. Makes me what to start a road trip.


Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

My goodness, that is a pretty tree next to that barn. It's just beginning to get colorful where I am as well. It will be a little while, maybe a few more weeks, before it autumn goes full swing. By the way, I love old barns too. I might have to make that one of our upcoming topics! Thanks for the inspiration.

Always, Carly
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Barns would be a great topic because I have a million of them.
Oh please, oh please, oh please.
MyMaracas said…
I love old barns too, and also old ruins of things. So this one rings all my chimes. Beautiful!
I Like old barns too! Thanks for sharing..hope you get some rain :)
Kiva said…
This reminds me of Danbury up in North Carolina -- the trees and the old barns (or in their case, tobacco sheds) I can never get enough pictures of them. You did them justice! I'll look to see if I have any pods on my wisteria. If I do, I'll let you know so you can tell me where to send it.
Oh, i love that barn shot, with all those straight lines going every whichway as you get away from the center of the photo. And the other shot *almost* makes me homesick for Central New York.

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