Treasures for Sure

I have been looking for these pink Naked Ladies for the entire summer. I was thrilled to see one. We were hoping that the millions that we planted would come up. So far only two. My Dad keeps calling and giving me a flower count in his yard. Last count 13 plus. I am hoping ours are only sleeping this year and next year the yard will be full of them. Ella was invited to her first birthday party...Magic's Puppy Party. Magic is Skyler's dog. Everyday Magic and Ella look at each other through the fence and neighbors yard. Ella was so excited to go. Once we got there we took the dogs outside to the backyard and let them run. Ella had to sniff each blade of grass before there was any playing. Then did they play! They both ran until they just couldn't run anymore. To help them cool off Lynn brought out the Frosty Paws...special ice cream for dogs. There was even a little piece of cake for the two legged people at the party. We even sang happy birthday to Magic. I have it on video but I will spare you. Now I am wondering who will have the next birthday party? I am betting the ranch that you will never be able to guess what this is...maybe Ms Yvonne will know. We have been working on cleaning up around the compost bin since the big storm...remember trees that were uprooted? Mark bought a book on composting while we were visiting the Amish last weekend. We took the bin apart, pulled out what was there and added a truck load of horse manure. Yep, horse poop. (oh no, there goes my rating again) The Racer's were so kind to load us up. I hope they have some left when I get ready to do my raise vegetable beds for next year. That is the next big project. We plan to start that one once the weather gets a little cooler. And speaking of the Racers...Cassie you aren't going to believe what flowers I have growing in the yard now...some dahlias and your favorite, anemone. As soon as the plants start to do something I'll let you know. This little treasure comes from Mamaw and Papaw. It is a thermometer. We have a Pinch-on-a Mailpouch in the kitchen. Mark finally was able to hang it in the perfect place. Now I can look to see just how hot it is. Don't you think it is just the perfect color to match the bricks on the house? I think we have finally found a place for the banister. I was sitting under the pergola the other night eating dinner and noticed a large empty space on the wall between the kitchen window and the dining room window. It was screaming 'put the banister here, please get it up off the ground before it rots and you can't use it at all.' Now I just have to come up with something to put on the top railing so it looks like it has a purpose and that it is just not hanging up on the wall. Now, I have saved the best for last. For all of you out there who still need to learn the art of Garbage Picking. Lesson number one...take a bike ride around the neighborhood with you children on the night before garbage pick-up. Be on the lookout for anything that looks interesting that might be sitting right by the curb. Tonight I almost fell over this chair. I was so excited that I sent the boys on ahead to the cul-de-sac while I called Mark to tell him to bring the truck I had found us a treasure. If you go to antique stores this chair could run you up to $45. And just think I got it for nothing and got some exercise and quality time with the boys. Can't beat that. So when is garbage day in your neighborhood?


You crack me up. Garbage picking one-O-one - Greg would string me up if I brought home things from other people's trash. I guess that is why your yard looks so fun, interesting and beautiful and my is just plain boring!

Kathy said…
im laughing at the bike riding trash hunting garbage picker!

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