Someone Else's Junk in My Trunk
Friday morning as soon as we dropped Sarah off at work, Emmy , Michael and I headed out for the World's Longest Yard Sale. No kidding. Check it out if you think I have gone totally nuts.
We started in the beginning in Covington, KY. When we got out of the car I could just feel that it was going to be a great day! Main Strasse was filled with all kinds of people checking out all the booths. After a few minutes we notice a crowd sorta walking with us. Little did we realize that Michael was the main source of entertainment.
You could hear people laughing. And people were grinning from ear to ear. Let me back up right here and explain something. For those of you who have never met Michael, he is a talker when he wants to be. And his voice only have one volume...LOUD. Now back to the story...We were walking, taking our time checking everything out, when we came across a booth with three lawn mowers parked right in the front. Michael just said what I am sure everyone else was thinking..."$110 for a dirty old lawn mower, that's too expensive." So Emmy quickly moved him on. It wasn't a few minutes and a few booth later that he saw a 'treasure chest' that was marked $15. Again as only Michael can do..."who would pay $15 for that old chest?" At this point we decided that if we were going to make a dent in Rt 127 we had better head back to the car for a quick lunch.
I think the next time we do this, Emmy might pack the picnic. Seems that we didn't have a lot to offer her. Michael and I snacked on some snacks...he loves a picnic in the car.
While we were eating Michael comes up with this. Anyone have any guesses what it might be? I'll tell is 1,000. Wouldn't you like to get in that little mind sometime? When we were eating and had him as a captive audience...we explained that you should think about what you say before you say it.
We learned several things in our little journey...take cash, one dollar bills work just fine...don't bother with stopping at yard sales one at a time or you won't make it very far down the road...when there are cars parked on both sides of the road and traffic is at a standstill, find a place as soon as you can because you have just entered the best yard sales of all.
So here is what $25 can get you from Covington to Union, KY...pitch fork for Mark, Grippo's, a lead train, a boat...aka pirate ship and a tube of butterscotch lip balm (free) for Michael...a sewing book and pattern for Emmy, one TX licence plate for Katie in Vegas...a candle stick for the guest room...and for my wind chimes...a potato masher, an egg beater, some spoons and forks, an old can opener, and an old potato peeler. I'm still looking for old perfume bottles for Sarah...they are really hard to find.
Tomorrow is the last day and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mark will be able to go just for a little while. Next year Emmy and I are already planning our strategy...anyone want to join us?
We learned several things in our little journey...take cash, one dollar bills work just fine...don't bother with stopping at yard sales one at a time or you won't make it very far down the road...when there are cars parked on both sides of the road and traffic is at a standstill, find a place as soon as you can because you have just entered the best yard sales of all.
Tomorrow is the last day and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mark will be able to go just for a little while. Next year Emmy and I are already planning our strategy...anyone want to join us?
and you are one bargain shopper.