In A Cabin By The Woods...

I honestly don't know where to begin. Mark and I got to go have some Mom and Dad , adult, grown-up time without any children...the big ones or the middle ones or the little one. The quite was deafening and I might also add so wonderful. We drove to Stone Creek to stay in a log cabin...let me just tell you now that I asked the owners several times if they would adopt me. I was in my element. This was better than Maui...seriously. Mark found this Bed and Breakfast one night on the Internet...Hisrich Hills Bed and Breakfast in Stone Creek, Ohio. You should click on the link and check it out. You will be very impressed, I think. When you turn down the lane, you really can't see the cabin for all the wonderful trees. Then you turn into the driveway and I'm telling you I was blown away! This is what we saw. The plants were awesome...except the deer also like them. You could figure out which the deer were eating and what they were saving for another day. I learned over the weekend that the stone is very heavy and very expensive. It is carved, hand chiseled frame. Very nice. We are looking for one that we can afford to put in our garden. Doug and Jen, our new best friends, did all the work with the help of a few Amish men. I can tell you the workmanship is some of the best I have ever seen. The details are incredible. Never stayed in a cleaner more sweet smelling place in my life. I'm sorry but I have got to show you the rooms on the inside. This is the rope bed that is in the living room. I know it sounds a little strange but believe me when I tell you that it works, it really does. The bed is so comfortable. In the morning you can open the door that leads to a nice little deck, and you can listen to the rooster crowing. I never heard it until the last morning when we were getting ready to go home. This fireplace is a working, cooking fireplace. The weather didn't cooperate so we could build a fire but you could smell that good fireplace smell when you were in the living room. A wooden spiral staircase leads up to the master is the entire upstairs. There is a little hiding place right between the fireplace and the door to upstairs. It even has a light. I figure that if Michael ever got to come with us, he would spend his entire weekend in there playing like it was a pirate cave where they hide their treasures. I love the quilt on the wall that they have used as a headboard. If I didn't think they would have missed it ...I would have put it in my suitcase. It is beautiful! This green door leads to the upper porch. And if you can see the part of the black is actually a potty chair since there is only one bath and it is downstairs. And look, a little cradle. The room is huge. And when I was checking out the place I found a mattress under the bed, so with that and a few blow up mattresses, I'm thinking we could have our entire family stay over. Speaking of it is. Nothing special, just functional. But the best part was, the shower head was one of those big ones that make you feel like you are standing under a waterfall. The bathroom is the only room that has window coverings. And at that, the shutters only go half way up the window. There is a lot in this picture to see. The dining room table is was bought at an auction. I think the top was once an old door. Did you notice the chair? It is the most comfortable chair...I have to confess that I took a nap there one day. This loft ladder has to be one of my favorite things in the cabin. It was a little too short so, Doug just added a wood box with a drawer for games. I love, love, love the little kitchen. So compact. There is even a washer and dryer hidden behind a cool old door. And while we are in the kitchen...this is what we found...a breakfast basket. I was so excited for the brown eggs. There were some really yummy muffins and delicious fruit. We had some of the biggest, Bob Evans style breakfasts. Some days we didn't even eat lunch. Here we are...all packed up and ready to head back to the real world. The best part is that we might be able to go back again in October. Keep you fingers crossed. Tomorrow night I will let you know about the other parts of our trip. It is almost 2AM...think I better go to bed if I want to be any good tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed the tour!


The Oakes said…
pretty cool, ellis wants to jump on the bed.....dont worry i told him no!
Jan said…
Wow, it does sound great. Good for Mark. We B&B a lot, and I'll keep this in mind, if we ever do another road trip, (price of gas).
That looks like a fantastic place to spend some time.

Kathy said…
what a neat place!

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