Sarah Beth's Journey

I have been checking Sarah Beth's online journal for pictures of their beach trip. Yesterday this is what I found...
A little update on my health. I've had a couple of scans lately. One on my back (I've been having pain in my lower back) and a brain MRI (a follow up). The results for the back were cancer there, but I do have a bulging disc that is probably caused from degeneration of my bones (from the steriods). The results for the brain were a mixed bag. One place has shrunk a little, the other stayed the same. The bad news is that there is a new lesion. Everything has moved very fast. I just found out yesterday and I went to the hospital yesterday afternoon to get fitted for my mask. I go tomorrow for a CT and MRI of my brain (they use these to map out the treatment). I'm going to do Cyber Knife at St. Mary's.

Some of you may be asking why does this keep happening to her. Well, I've got an answer. I'm doing a life journal with our youth group and I have really been blessed by it. It's cool because they give you a set of scriptures or a chapter to read for the day, but you choose the scripture that speaks to you and you journal about that particular scripture. The other day, John 9 was part of our reading. Let me write what it says for you. This chapter is about Jesus healing a blind man.

"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."

You know, this hasn't been the easiest walk of life, but it's the only one I that is completely sacrficed for the will of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for all your prayers and kindness towards me and my family. May God bless you for your graciousness.

love your guts :)

So, I guess you all know what I am going to ask next...please pray for Sarah Beth and the family, for the doctors as they preform the surgery, for her hospital caregivers that they be kind and extra understanding, for all family members that will be traveling to the hospital from out of town, and that she have peace.


Kathy said…
i am fervently praying for sb.

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