Ada's Taste of Home

Aunt Leigh Ann you will be wanting to get one of these...A Taste of Home from the Schlabach Family...A collection of recipes from five generations 1897-1997 and a bit of family history. This has to be the most entertaining cookbook I own. And I say that in the best way. There are hand written recipes, poems written by the family members,h istory of the family, names and dates of all the children, childhood memories and things that I have never heard of like Pone Cake, Cassia Bud Pickles, Kraples, and White Church Spread. I am here to tell you that this is the BEST zucchini recipe I have ever eaten. Seriously, (Cassie, four small loaves are on their way to you) I made this yesterday afternoon and by 5PM tonight it was gone. Michael calls it his 'something healthy snack'. It is the easiest recipe I have ever made and probably the best. Then after you make the zucchini get to make this mouth watering cream cheese icing. I'm telling you that it is the best I have ever had...and I have made thousands of loaves of zucchini bread. The best ever! If you would like a copy of the cookbook I can let you know how to get in touch with Ada...they don't have a phone so you have to write them or if you know of someone making the trip to their house for diner, they could always pick you up one. Or better yet...make a reservation and enjoy good food and even better company. I want to go back...heck I'd like to try to be a few ways if you know what I mean. And as Martha would say...'and that's a good thing'.


leigh ann said…
hey guess what aunt jan, i already have one!! carla booth gave me one a few years ago, as she is well aware of my cookbook obsession. not to mention she probably noticed i stalk the schlabachs whenever they're there for apple butter weekend. i just can't get enough of them...they humble me so.

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