Round Robin Photo Challenge

Wait until you read this one....The assignment for the Round Robin that Kim at Nekked Lizard Adventures came up with for this week is a doozie..."An Item You'd Like To Sell On EBay, But You're Too Embarrassed". I usually don't check out EBay but if our #2 daughter was doing this challenge...I am sure she could fill a boat with items that she has gotten from EBay.

I took a little different slant to this challenge...hope that is okay. Everyttime I think about this story I crack up!

Michael, our #2 son, baby of the family, was probably around five when this story took place. He is a very smart little boy and he is always trying to figure out how things work. I guess that he has seen us on the computer and thought he could do whatever we were doing.

I am cooking dinner one night and he comes to the kitchen with a piece of paper and pencil and wants to know what our address is. He says that he has the other parts but that he just needs the numbers. So I give him the four numbers and continue fixing dinner. He disappears. A little later I go upstairs to see where he is and why it is so quiet. He is hunkered over the computer sounding our words...he looks at me and tells me that he has everything under control. Yea, sure he does, he's five. I look at the screen and had to take a double take. This is what I sawYou might have to click on it to make it big enough to read. Do I even need to tell you that Michael wants to grow up to be an engineer? Or that I am so glad that he hasn't figured out what that little plastic card that I keep in my wallet is for?

Check our the other Robins. It is always fun and you can't believe some of the things they take pictures of and how great they are. I have learned a ton from them in just the short time I have been participating in the Round Robin Challenges.


MyMaracas said…
Woah! Look at that subtotal! Good thing you caught him in time. What a fun story.

Carly said…
LOL :)

Oh my, this brought a smile to my face. Well, while what he did might be considered a bit naughty, I have to applaud his decisiveness and take charge attitude! He was only 5? WOW! I'm thinking there is a business person in the making there. :) Great Story! And yes, it is a very good thing you caught him!

Kiva said…
LOL. I showed your post to my husband the model train guy and he said, "And what's wrong with that?"
Wendy said…
Now that is cute!
Steven said…
$61,000 on trains! Classic. Pretty amazing. Way cool.
Kathy said…
that is hilarious!
Nancy said…
Oh man...I wonder if ebay would have eased up on their rules of canceling if this ever went thru!


I am laughing so hard right now. I can se Josiah doing this.

Teena in Toronto said…
He's ambitious!

Thanks for stopping by :)
Karen Funk Blocher said…
That is so funny, and a little scary!

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