What a Difference

Two years of sweat and grit and I am just beginning to think we might just be able to transform this mess of a backyard into something close to our yard in WI. There are lots of similarities but then they are so different.

I was looking for some pictures the other day and ran across these of the yard in 2006. As you can see we are working...we had already mowed down all the weeds and brush so we could get to the overgrown trees in the back...Mark, Peep,my Dad, Bryce and I. I remember that day like it was yesterday...hot, sticky, buggy...and I was loving every minute of it. We had Bryce up in a tree with a chainsaw. Oh My Gosh...what were we thinking! Look there is a house behind all those trees. And they are the nicest neighbors. They have the biggest and best garden I have ever seen. I was told that this year they will share whatever we need. That's good since we only have zucchini and yellow squash. This bed is not even close to being finished but it look lots cleaner and in much better order than in the first picture.


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