We Are Being Invaded!

I have been reading about the Dreaded Cicada that have invaded Huntington. Well, last week we started seeing them too. Friday I was working in the yard and had to put on a hoodie because I was being dive bombed. These things are just down right gross! And the noise that they make is deafening! There are so many that the birds, snakes, dogs and cats can't eat them fast enough to keep up. Michael refuses to play outside. Sarah just things they are "just plain gross." Mark has to sweep them off his car tires in the mornings. And I just go on about my daily routine, flicking them as I go. So far they haven't eaten any plants. I hear that lilacs and roses seem to be their favorites. (How are you holding up Leigh Ann?)
Bryce was here today and he took the leaf blower and blew they to kingdom come. He told me somewhere he read that the shells are good for the dirt...organic matter. I think he might just be pulling my leg. Ms. Renee says they will be around until July 4th. Let's hope they are gone before that. End Note....Michael wants me to remove the word gross and replace it with disgusting!


leigh ann said…
yeah, feelin our pain now huh? they are SO nasty. lilacs and roses seem to be ok so far. we'll see. pretty soon they'll be gone and in 17 years when they come back we'll be so old we won't give a rip, right?
Jama said…
OMG! tht sure freak me out!

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