Time for a Rest

I think Mark and I will take a little (very little) break in the DIY backyard makeover. The weather is so hot and humid I am afraid that one of us might have a heart attack. This morning I was up at 5AM getting ready for company...Sarah Beth and Aunt Kate are coming after dinner tonight for a little R&R. I can't wait! It seems like forever since they were here.

Mark and I have been busy today. Up with the chickens...working like a two man army of ants.

Here's where we began when Lisa was here last weeked. She would 'fork' up the ground and I would run the tiller while Mark was off getting the rocks. It must have been 102 degrees that day! It was so goo to sweat it out. Lisa is a trooper. She was right in there...but I have learned that she doesn't sweat. Oh, to be that lucky. I sweat like pouringit out of a bucket.
After working hard all day this is what we ended up with when we were so tired we couldn't raise our arms above our heads. We all slept really well that night.
And now the finished product...one really cool campfire and a stone pathway that leasd to our 'secret garden'. Hopefully some day the back yard will be worthy of such a grand entrance.
I can hardly wait until we get the patio in. I think this part of the backyard right now id my favorite. If it weren't for those darn cicades, I'd sit and ponder there all day long or at least as long as no one could find me.


Katie R said…
It looks amazing!!!! I am home this week and have been helping some in my parents yard. They've lived in Firestone almost 4 years and my mom is finally beginning to be happy with her yard. They have a 1 1/2 lot so its extra wide for fun but its killer to water and keep it all green. The parts that are still to be done are on the hoa watch list :) good thing the neighbor is the president and likes them. :) We have dry heat in my direction whenever you want to visit again!
Ps my parents got a fire pit too and we are making smores tonight!!!
Anonymous said…
that looks awesome. I saw you guys outside early this morning....do you guys ever stop. Cant wait to see it up close!! Enjoy!!
leigh ann said…
love that firepit!

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