This One is For Ronda

I think we might just have a few rain lilies this year. Look what I found in the garden today...Not long after we moved in and Michael found out that there was a first grader, Skyler, living two door down,Ronda showed up on the front porch with this plant in a pot ready to bloom. She was sharing one of her special favorite plants from her yard. This is a rain lily that had belonged to her Mom, who has since passed. Ronda figured out that we were gardeners and she wanted to share with us. I love it. Last summer it bloomed like crazy. Ronda told me that I would have to bring it in for the winter. I did but it didn't look to good. I would water it and check it everyday. It just seems to wither away by the hour. This spring I brought it out into the light, water it, fertilized it and prayed over it. And look at it now. I am hoping to be able to divide it this year and make another plant...maybe to share with just never know.


Anonymous said…
I am crying again!! Glad you like it. Mine haven't bloomed...yet, I am still waiting

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