Summer Finally Begins

It is totally official...Luke made it official today by writing it on big letters in the driveway.

We have a real first grader that is excited because 'they have two recesses, you can buy lunch and they have Art!' Michael will be going to two camps offered by the park district and he will be learning to tie his shoes and pump a swing. We celebrated today by having a graduation lunch at Sonic. It was 90 degrees by noon, so we opened all the doors so we wouldn't melt. They boys thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Sarah finally finished with finals this morning. A Junior she is...where did that come from? Her summer has started....two jobs and there might even be some time left for friends. Because of her 3.0 GPA, I guess she will be learning to drive this summer...Lord help us all! Let's see how much money she can save towards a car and insurance with all the jobs she has. There might be some babysitting duties in there somewhere too.

Mark has his new summer schedule set..Saturdays off early for church, Sunday and Mondays totally off. We aren't planning any big family vacation (sorry Cassie, no beach trip) but we hope to do a few things close to home...kinda experience the big city a little more.

You will find me out in the yard trying to make it all work together. Or maybe at the computer showing you what we have been doing out in the yard.


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