Special Reunion

This past Sunday I traveled to Cambridge, OH to visit with my cousins that I haven't seen, some of them for about 25 years! When we were younger every Sunday we would all go to my grandparents house for Sunday dinner. We fished, camped on the Ohio River, swam in the river, learned to ski on the river, drove my PopPaw crazy, got bright red kisses from our MomMaw before she left at 3PM to go to work at the hospital, opened hidden Christmas presents while my Mom stood guard and just plain had fun. It was great seeing them all again. But the reason we all got together was to visit with our cousin Tom. I wrote about him in a few previous blogs. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor, had surgery, it returned and now is being cared for in his home by his very strong and caring wife and loving daughter with the help of others and a dear neighbor.
My Aunt Dory (who looks just like my Momaw) now lives in NC. My cousin, Beau, (Bo when he was growing up)lives with her. My oldest cousin, Mike, lives with his wife and stepkids in Florida. I haven't seen him since before he grew his long hair. Last time I saw him I think he was in his Navy dress blues.
This is my Aunt Judy's side. There are three cousins here also. Sherry is the oldest. I found out that she has been teaching K in the same school, in the same room for over 25 years! Kim is the middle child and takes in stary dogs. She has a kind heart...they have seven dogs now. Andy...AKA, Kevin Cosner...blew me away. In my entire life I don't think Andy has spoken 50 words to me. Not because he doesn't like me, but that is just the way he is, very quiet and reserved (as far as I know). Aunt Dory asked him to ask the blessing before we had lunch...and he did it! And he did a great job. I couldn't have done it...no way! And here we have the Meadows side. Not too many of us...just two siblings. My Dad seems to be a combination of Momaw and PopPaw...AKA George and Ethel. I wish we had thought to take one of those pictures by the hearth like we have done so many other times...the oldest to the youngest because when it gets to the cousins in the middle I have a hard time remembering who comes first.I am so thankful that we were all able to be there with Tom and I know he heard the stories that were told. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for Karen and Courney. I thank them for letting us have a little time with Tom. A very precious afternoon that I am sure wore him out and he has probably slept since the last person stepped out of the room. Keep the family in your prayers. We don't know how long he has. But I do know that we all will do anything that Karen needs and our hearts are heavy.


Kathy said…
priceless pictures.....
Kathy said…
priceless pictures.....

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