Round Robin Photo Challenge...Weeds Can Be Pretty Too!

I am so glad that Kim over at Nekked Lizard Adventures come up with a Round Robin Photo Challenge that I can really relate to. Our yard is filled with wonderful, colorful weeds. Believe it or not I actually used to plant Goldenrod in our flower beds because they added so much color and they grew like the bad weeds that they are. But not any more, Michael has so many tree and plant allergies, I am a little more careful as to what we plant. But at this point in our 6 year plan to have the yard looking great, I'd take that darn old Goldenrod.

One morning before anyone was up, even the neighbors, Ella the dog and I went for a walk in the backyard. I never took the time to look so closely at the weeds. Dandelions and those pesky broad leaf things are what I concentrate on when pulling weeds. Here are three beauties that I found hiding out....A clover. I can remember sitting in our yard as a little girl with the neighbor girls...we would sit for hours and make necklaces, bracelets, and crowns from this clover. I think I remember them smelling so sweet. And just that little touch of pink next to the stem. I remember that bees also enjoy clover. Many a bee did I step on as a child with no problems. But now as an adult I have to carry an epipen just in case. I think I am correct when I say that this is a wild onion. I will know for sure in a few day when it blooms. I thought that the transparent onion skin was really unique. It almost looked like an alien trapped in a bubble looking at me with hundreds of eyes. I love to smell the wild onions after the grass is cut. Such a summer smell for me. I don't know but they say that these are poison. My parents always told me not to eat them because they would make me sick. So in turn, that is what I have told my children. Wild strawberries are growing under the wild morning glories that are growing wild in the vinca vine. I told you that we had a lot of wild things in our yard.

Be sure to check out all the other Robins.


Anonymous said…
Weeds are beautiful too. I especially like the photo of the wild strawberry. The color is so red and vibrant.
Wendy said…
I like the one of the wild strawberry too. I can almost taste it!
Wild strawberries? Yum-mee!

I played too :)
Carly said…
Hi Wammy

Wild Strawberries are so pretty, I would love if I had some here. There is just something so "honey" about them. Actually, it might be because they are my favorite fruity indulgence... lol... still, your photo was a nice burst of color. :)

Molly said…
Our yard is filled with weeds as well. My husband has digging up some of the uglier ones. The clover is nice and smells sweet, and a bonus is an occasional four leaf clover. I do not know if the wild onion or wild strawberry is poisonous. But when in doubt, it is better not to taste. Plus, it is best not to have little children eating anything from the wild. They might think that all is edible. (I have used wild garlic in cooking.)
maryt/theteach said…
You have very lovely weeds, let's call them wildflowers. I don't know if I've ever seen a wild strawberry... :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, that was a wonderful trip down memory lane. Throw in a honeysuckle and I'm 8 years old again!

Fantastic showing.
barrettmanor said…
I love that wild onion bloom. We have wild garlic. And yes, wild onions (and garlic) are poisonous. But the flowers sure are pretty!
Anonymous said…
I like the smell of fresh cut alfalfa and clover. Wild strawberries! You have a cool yard!
MyMaracas said…
How lovely these "weeds" look. You brought back a lot of childhood memories with this one. I wonder how we come to forget the beauty of the things nature bestows so freely?
Anonymous said…
wonderful!!! you have chosen some very pretty weeds to display. i featured some clover too. :)
Kiva said…
I remember Euell Gibbons recommending wild onions, but he said that they had to smell like onions. If they didn't smell like onions, then they weren't edible. Me, I'm not going to try. The strawberry looks luscious.
I've never seen a wild onion before. What a little gem that is. And wild strawberries - yum! I grew up picking wild black raspberries and wild grapes. Nothing like that in the desert here....
Monica said…
The wild strawberry is beautiful - wonderful color. I think I'd like the smell of wild onions too. It looked interesting that's for sure. :-)


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