Round Robin Photo Challenge...I Made This

Our challenge came from Jennifer Robin at Robin's Wood. We were asked to find photos of something that we have made. I had to really think about this one. Seems I have made lots of this in my short life. I think I am most proud of this quilt. I made it one winter for our oldest son, Bryce. I remember cutting and pressing lots of seams. To took forever. At that time I thought he would like it but was I surprised. Every time we visit him in the big city, there it is proudly displayed on his bed. I think he really likes it and is just a little bit proud of his mother. And that makes all the difference in the world. The picture doesn't do the quilt justice at all. I had asked him to take a pictures and email it to me, but as you can it that never happened. This is a picture of the quilt in another picture that we have around the house. I wish you could see all the rich colors...and all those seams.

Post Amendment:
Since today is Father's Day and Bryce need to come spend the day with his Dad...the deal want a ride, you bring the quilt for your mother to photograph. And like the obedient son he is, Bryce brought the quilt. Only to tell me that there are a few places that need to be mended. So here it is in all of its glory. The name is October Sky. It measures 74"X88". I started it July 22, cut and sewed September 27 and it was quilted and given as a Christmas gift December of 2004. The exact entry in my quilting journal..."Absolutely!!! the most challenging cutting and piecing I have ever attempted. Don't think I will ever do another :)."


Carly said…
Hi :)

That is a beautiful quilt, I can see why your son would like it so much, and be so proud of you. :) I admire those who do quilting, my aunt does them and I am always amazed at the fine details and how lovely they can be on a cool night. The one you did here is especially beautiful, those colors are terrific!

Always, Carly
Wendy said…
Having attempted quilting on much smaller scale, i can totally appreciate the effort that went into making this!
That's very pretty indeed! I like both the colors and the pattern a lot, and can well believe it took a long time and a lot of effort. Worth it, though. Well done!
maryt/theteach said…
An absolutely beautiful quilt! I'm sure it did take a long time to make! :D The love of a mother!
Janet said…
This is what I was hoping to see! I LOVE quilts and this one is just gorgeous :-)
Anonymous said…
Wow! This quilt is gorgeous. I have never tried doing a quilt because it takes alot of patience something that you must have alot of. The pattern is beautiful also.
Carly said…

I am just knocked out by it even more, everytime I see it. You are one talented lady! :)

Hugs, Carly
Kathy said…
you are so darn talented! do you have musical skill talents as well!?!

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