One Down....

Today might just have been the longest day of my entire life...let's just start at the beginning...

Everyone gets up..Sarah is off to work by 8:15AM. Cassie is getting ready for her Asbury Girls Reunion Weekend in Lexington, KY. Cassie throws a load of laundry in so she has some clean clothes to take with her. She didn't quite have a full load so she threw some of ours in with hers. Evidently she doesn't check pockets before she throws them in. Well, my phone got a good cleaning much so that none of the numbers could be retrieved. So off we go to Circuit City to get me a new phone.

Another road trip with all three little ones. Ellis and Alaire didn't really care but Michael was not too keen on the idea. So I packed some books, paper, markers, and some snacks to keep him busy and he got the entire back seat to himself. Cassie was able to catch a little snooze. I'm driving, concentrating on the traffic. Alaire is sleeping, Ellis and Michael are busy. I should have known something was up....Ellis had taken the blue marker and colored on his arms and legs. He was looking fine. We made it down with out a hitch...other than the little mishap with the markers. I got to visit a little with Jen and Sarah. It was fun to see them. They are now both married and have a ton of kids between the two families.

The way home was a different story. Alaire was asleep. Michael busy as always and Ellis was talking my ear off (a sign that he is tired) but he soon was having sweet dreams. About an hour into the drive we ran into traffic. I mean bumper to bumper, sitting still traffic. Alaire woke up and started crying. I had Michael searching for her paci...but no luck. So she is screaming. Ellis wakes up which was not pretty either. He is crying for his Mom. Michael is so busy between the two of them that he doesn't know which way to turn. We are singing, he is giving Alaire her wankie and telling her stories. Then he pats Ellis on the head and tells him that it will be alright. At one point he is sitting in the back seat with his hands over his ears crying. I ask him what is wrong and he says, "Mom, my heart just hurts because they are sad and crying." I try to tell him that it is okay that they aren't hurt, just a little sad and tired. We weren't moving so I just put the van in park and had him come up to the front so I could give him a big hug and tell him how proud I was that he was trying to help. That seemed to calm them all down but I was still just a little worried because we had to make it back to Subway to pick up Sarah by 7PM.(I am thrilled to report that we made it to Subway with time to spare...that is another story for another blog another day.)
Just to let the powers that be know...I still have it. Yep , Old Wammy, hasn't lost her touch. Alaire was changed, given a bottle and loved on then tucked into bed. She is fast asleep with out a single peep. Ellis was more blue arems and legs , had a story about Ella Bella, prayers and tons of kisses...he is also fast asleep. Michael had a bath, meds and breathing treatment, teeth brushed and in his bed...not quite fast asleep. All's well......think I'll take my shower tomorrow morning.


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