Mercedes 1224

The Bird Man is at it yet once again. We are continually working on our yard. We have bird feeders in the front yard in the ivy bed under all the trees but nothing in the back. Well, that was until two days ago. When Lisa was here we ended up browsing Wild Birds of our favorite stores. I love the music they is so soothing. Then all the bird sounds. I just want to camp out in there for the night. Anyway...we just looked around. We all found things that we liked but we left the store empty handed. Mark must have been thinking about it all day because the next time he went out, he came back with the contraption you see before you. He calls it The Mercedes 1224. My guess is because it is the biggest and the best bird feeder we own. And let me just tell you, we have quite a collection of them. Or maybe it could be the price of it. Let's see, there is the 4x4 post, the metal thing to put it in to secure it to the ground, the squirrel baffle, the tray feeder and then the feeder on the top. Good thing we had some seed to put in it already waiting in the garage.
I wish I had a nickle for all the times he has called to check to see if there were any birds on 'his' feeder. Not like I have nothing to do all day but watch for birds.... Then tonight while I was taking Sarah to work, he called...'We have a fly by. I think it might be a very rare yellow bellied sap sucker'. We sat out there all evening waiting for some one to have dinner.


leigh ann said…
bubba cracks me up jan.
The Oakes said…
just as long as there are no big belly CC birds doing fly byes.

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