Lisa's Back

I got a call in the middle of last week from Lisa. For those of you that don't know...we met (adopted) Lisa the second summer we lived in WI. She moved in with us (along with two other college students we didn't know) as a favor to a friend who recruited a few too many college students for summer job's at Shepherd's. We fell in love with her! She became our live-in babysitter, jack-of-all-trades. I think if we still lived in WI she would have her own room at our house!
Back to the story...she and a friend drove down to Cincinnati for the weekend...both to visit being Lisa's friends. We were thrilled! Micheal was as thrilled as he gets.
Lisa had gotten Michael this kit for making a memory stone for his Adoption Day. We found it when we moved. So I just knew that some day Lisa would return (she had visited about a month after we moved in before she left she and Michael fixed the stone. We got out the kit and off they went.
Lisa, being the ultimate teacher, read the directions and Michael followed the directions. Michael stirred. Then Lisa stirred. And Michael stirred some more. Lisa is such the teacher. She sat and watch. Let Michael do his thing with the decorating part.
After all that hard work there was a water battle. This battle went on for a good 30 minutes. At one point when she had him down, Michael said, "I'm down but I am not out!" By this time Lisa is soaked to the bone and is going to have to change clothes to drive home. She better be hiding behind her car because he's loaded up the big guns now (thanks to Luke). What a great time we had...wish it could have been longer.


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