Just Couldn't Wait

I just couldn't wait to tell you what all we have been busy with. I wanted this to be a surprise for Cassie when she comes on Tuesday. I just couldn't wait for this post...so I am writing it a little each night and I will post it when she gets on the plane on Tuesday morning. With two kids and all the stuff she has to carry...I am almost positive that she won't be able to check the blog.

We have been working so hard the last week trying to get rid of our lovely 'swimming hole' that appears every time it rains. Then it stays there until it dries up. It is a real mess. But if you ask Michael, Ellis, Luke or Skyler...they think it is/was pretty cool. I have about 50 pictures of it but I won't bore you with those...I'll just hit the high points for now.
Day One... consisted of Kevin coming with his little walk behind bobcat...pretty cool little machine. We had already moved the sand to the opposite side of the open space.
Kevin moved it around a little more, dug out four inches of dirt for the concrete and then it seemed that he moved a mountain of dirt to the other side of the yard...the really ugly side now...(I am sure that our neighbors think we have lost our minds) and then leveled it off nice and pretty. End of Day One.
Day Two...the guys show up bright and early and dig a little more to make sure it is just right. See the little guy in the orange hat. That is Connor AKA the gopher. He is Kevin's little 14 year old brother who is here for the summer working for his brother. I had to take up for him just a few times...those old mean big boys. Connor is a trooper...he never made a face or back talked anyone of them. He even called me mam a few times.
After digging...framing up and rebar. I learned a lot this day. Did you know that they drill holes in the foundation of your house...jam a metal rod in there and them cover that with concrete so the patio doesn't pull away from the house? Are you wondering what that square is in the middle? Not telling you just yet.
Day Three began with the mixers tearing up the trees over the driveway. Kevin asked for two truck. loaded with 5 yards of concrete each, so as not to tear up the driveway...being to heavy. I'm thinking...that's a lot of concrete to wheel back and forth. Oh, but Kevin is one step ahead. He had a little dump truck, wheel barrow things that he can ride.
After emptying two cement mixers and smoothing it all out, they spray some kind of acid on the top and cover it with plastic to 'warm' for the rest of the day. After their 'business lunch' at Hooter's, they come back to check progress of the setting.
Then the washing off of the acid begins. With a broom and a hose they proceed to expose the aggregate. So it looks like pea gravel only it doesn't move when you step on it. Nice and smooth on the bottoms of your feet.
While Mark was at work on Saturday I drew out an 8X8 foot square on the driveway. Then I moved bricks for yet another time. I figured out the pattern and then Mark power washed them on one side when he got home.
Emmy came to help with the placing of the brick after I sent out an SOS. Her parents might end up in divorce court unless she showed up to mediate the discussions.
Mark was thrilled to be able to rent a big machine to cut the bricks to the shapes that we needed. Because Emmy is such a pro brick path layer, he didn't have to cut as many as he thought he was going to have to. He looks good doesn't he?
I'm not real thrilled with this shot, but I just wanted you to see me working in all my glory. We had to wear those beautiful ear protectors because that big machine made the loudest noise ever...it even drowned out the cicadas. Don't you just love my red gardening shoes?
Here is the near finished 8X8 square in the center of the patio. More details about this area coming in a future blog...be sure not to miss it!
Here is the path to the fire pit that Emmy figured out today...and it took all day but she finally figured it out. It looks really nice in person...so when are you coming for s'mores?Today, the day before the big arrival we worked our buns off, even Sarah was out there getting her hands dirty. Mark rented a mongo tiller and we had our little jewel going. Someone was raking, someone tilling and then Mark was tearing into the dirt pile. This is a fountain in the making. Renee supplied the bench and the pink garden gloves. When it is finished I'll be sure to take some pictures.
But the best...I finally got my fountain...rice grinding stones, hosta, rocks and little river stones. Can't beat it. It sounds wonderful. I am so proud. Mark rounded up all the stuff that we would need and I went around the yard looking for things I could dig up. I love it!

So outside is looking pretty good...now to clean the inside before I leave for the airport.


Anonymous said…
totally awesome....got smores!!!
Kathy said…
oh my gosh you are so outdoorsy creative! I LOVE THAT BRICK PATH! it all looks great. and I'm so in for s'mores......i must get in on a road trip with LA to come hang by the fire! it looks awesome.

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