Full House, Full Day

We had a full house last night...Pappy, Wammy, Cassie, Emmy, Bryce, Sarah, Michael, Ellis, Alaire and Ella. Every bed and every couch had a snoring body. This morning we got up early and packed a large cooler and headed off to the Cincinnati Zoo with Ms. Renee and Luke.
We finally made it only to be presently surprised that we could get in for half price because Cassie and Trevor have a Zoo pass in CO. As soon as the lady handed us the map, Michael took over. His map skills were better than some of the adults in the group. We would tell him what we wanted to see and he would tell us which way to go.
Lowland gorillas are my all time favorite exhibit. When the kids were little we spent hours at the zoo. We knew the names of all the gorillas and Bryce knew which ones that we could interact with. Today we were thrilled that all the gorillas were out. JaMo, the large male was playing with his swimming pool. This mother and baby were fun to watch. Ellis got a kick out of them.
Speaking of hot....97 in the shade...and you know how much shade there usually is at the zoo. Michael was so hot, his ear wax was melting. Ellis looked like he was just going to melt into the blacktop. Alaire just looked red all over. Yes, she did have on sunscreen. We were looking for snow cones but settled for ICES. Then we all tried to squeeze under two umbrellas to get some relief from the sun.
The new giraffe exhibit just opened. They have built a platform high enough for you to be able to feed the giraffes. Today they were more interested in stripping the bark form the trees. The boys tried and tried to call them over. Maybe they were just a little skittish about humans yet. We will give them awhile to get adjusted and then visit them again on a cooler day.
While we were walking to the train for our last hurrah...Cassie almost stepped on this mother peacock and two babies. They were so cute. Emmy and the rest of the crew were watching a peacock dig a hole in the flower bed. They were so cute. The Mom was so patient and just casually walked the babies into the bushes.
And as you can see, everyone was excited about the train ride. Michael wanted so much to ride on the very last car in the very last seat. That didn't happen...so I guess we are going to have to try again another time. Emmy and Bryce were thrilled...really...the train made the air move. Bryce kept going to the gift shop because it had air conditioning. He wasn't fooling anyone.
While walking to the van we ran across some other animals. Here a seal sat like a statue while sunning. Michael took me underneath the seal to a viewing area so I could see his feet. He thought the seal was boring because he really didn't do anything. He needs action I guess...
We had to stop at the Children's Petting Zoo. Everything has changed so much since we were there last. It was like I had never been to this zoo before. I was so lost all day long. We did get to feed the goats. Michael was okay as long as he was on the outside looking in. Not Ellis, Bryce and Luke..they were right in there with them. Bryce wanted one to buck and kick so bad. I have a pictures of him pulling one of the goats tail. Will be ever grow up? Luke was climbing up on the long pretending to be a goat. Alaire finally fell asleep.
This is a new polar bear exhibit. This polar bear was definitely in a routine of swimming his pool. He would swim on his back until he got to the corner...then he would turn and push off the wall at the three windows. You could see him blow bubbles out his nose. The water looked so inviting. So then we were off to the car for a delicious lunch in air conditioning. We were all exhausted so after dropping Emmy and Bryce off at their homes, we all came home and took a little bit of a nap. A great day was had by all.


leigh ann said…
my favorite exhibit on your zoo trip..the grownup rosy cheeked ellis babies exhibit! this whole post is great but i'm loving the pics with those 3 ellis babies all together. (i know, i know, they're all grownup..)
Anonymous said…
I don't know that there will EVER be another trip to the zoo. Yes it was fun but Gosh was it HOT HOT HOT!!!!

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