Father's Day

Cassie you are going to wish you were here today...we did Dad's favorite thing...visited as many Garden Centers and Nursery's as we could. Bryce held down the front seat and was in charge of the CD's that we were going to sing. Emmy was in charge of taking photo opts for the day. Michael was in charge of keeping himself busy in the way back.

But first things first...we had to have lunch with Sarah. And since she was working, Bryce said it was his treat! Can you believe that! So we got our $5 foot longs and aggravated her to death. Or I should say that Bryce aggravated everyone that works at Subway. You know the drill.
Dad hit the jackpot! We have been looking for a grinding stone so we can build a water feature in the backyard. We found a place of Tater Ridge but the old bugger won't sell me just one out of his collection of 300. So today I wanted to drive to Tater Ridge and go 'Nanny Nanny Boo Boo' to him. Mark found two complete rice grinding stones in perfect condition. HA! So most of the afternoon Mark, Bryce and I spent trying to drill holes in them for the water to shoot out of. I know that you are probably having a really hard time trying to imagine it so when it is completely finished I'll have a post about it...as you knew I would.We also literally ran into a yellow climbing rose. Today was a day of finds. We have been looking everywhere for climbing roses. None to be found. They had three...two didn't look so hot and this one have five buds already. Tomorrow morning first thing we are going to plant it on the ladder trellis that Mark made a few weeks ago. It is going to look great in two years. Roses everywhere. On the way out of the office I spotted a huge false indigo plant. We had one in ...you'll never guess where...WI at the end of the driveway fence. They have the most beautiful purple flowers. I sorta snipped off a few seed pods...wonder if they will grow? I hope so. That's about it for tonight...I'm exhausted and I hear thunder...going to be a great night to sleep. Oh, but then I will have to make sure that no water gets into the basement...oh well, there goes a good nights sleep.


The Oakes said…
sarah beth looks stupendous and im wishing i could have been there for the weekend's festivities. sounds like bryce was busy and im betting emmynonymous was keeping the couch and tv company....or maybe dad's spot on that thing you all call your mattress. bet she was sad sarah was a work they could've watched reba together!

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