The Choice

Michael has been checking his Memory Stone almost every minute ever since he and Lisa finished it...."is it dry yet Mom?" Finally today it was dry. Mark made it home just in time to snap a few shots of Michel showing off his stone...He had several places in mind. But I had to remind him that he needed to find a safe place...a place where no one would be stepping on the stone because it might here it is ...right in the middle of the edge of the back flower bed. He had to adjust the placement a few times "so it would be just right for when he and his friends would walk by it." He is one of those kids that knows just what he wants. Thank you again, Lisa. We love our stone. So much so that when Ellis and Alaire are here in a few weeks, we will be adding to our stones. So, Cassie, get ready for some arts and crafts with Wammy time!


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