Big Dirt Pile

Once again we are faced with what to do with dirt......did we ever have a problem with this Ms. Yvonne? Can't tell you yet what we did to get this big ole pile of wonderful (clay) dirt. That will come at a later the really near future. As you can see Mark is already tackling the problem. We have been sitting on the porch trying to imagine what would look good over on that side of the yard. I am dreaming of three or four raised vegetable beds, maybe cold frames...since he took over our two small vegetable beds for cultivating can't eat flowers, or at least not the ones that we are growing. And then there is the question..."what do I do with all of this stuff?" I am trying to wake up my creative senses but nothing is coming...any ideas?


The Oakes said…
I hope you know you already spilled the beans,

With the wood- Make a balancing fun thing that Michael and Ellis can walk on. They have a huge one at the camp we go to and Ellis would love to do it himself. Turn with up vertically and bury them so just a little is sticking up out of the ground.
Kathy said…
okay if theres anyone with a creative side with that stuff it would be YOU to solve those issues without a blink. i mean who else can make a box spring in their yard look so cool!? my mother in law would LOVE your yard.
Miss Yvonne said…
Uh, dirt, did we have lots of dirt from our projects. I'm thinking you need a berm!!!

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